Category Archives: Collage

Fata Morgana

Series of 24 etching-collages realized mixing the prints of 4 copper plates, intaglio mixed tecnics.
Printing on Zerkall, cutting and pasting on Sommerset / 65x50cm / 2013
Unique proofs / here auxilliary merchandising +
Project realized after a residency at Upernavik in Greenland. The series mixes the 4 etchings following a regular pattern showing the 24 possible combinations. The work of cutting and pasting that occurs after printing transforms totally the original image. After that deconstruction/reconstruction process, each etching-collage includes some of the 4 initial landscapes, all similars but all uniques. x


Series of 20 collages
Intaglio (acid wash drawing), printing on simili-japanese paper, cutting and pasting on Fabriano Tiepolo / 70x50cm / 2017
Unique proofs